Mason Jar Lid Ornament Tutorial (c) 2012 Angie Kowalsky
(Design shown is from #97 French Heart Ornaments)
Directions: First, center finished cross stitch (right side up) on gold side of dome lid. Thread sewing needle with any color thread, and lace all around on back side, sewing all edges tightly over the back of the lid. Knot well- lay aside. Next, center holiday fabric (right side facing up) over gold side of dome lid. Again, lace back of this dome lid with fabric edges, lacing tightly and knotting. Decide on length of ribbon/lace hanger (enough to form a loop at top, plus 1" on both sides hidden under dome lids). Place between jar lids at top of ornament (make sure that dome lids are wrong sides together). Thread nylon sewing thread and whipstitch both jar lids all the way around, being sure to secure loop well. Next, lay beginning of lace slightly off the bottom center of ornament. With a loop knot on matching thread, begin sewing ribbon/lace around the outside of ornament (no need to cut length until you are close to end). At top of ornament, sew ribbon/lace in front of hanger- keep sewing around to end. At end, cut ribbon/lace about 1" longer than beginning. Begin whipstitching over edges, going back some to secure well. (No frayed edging should be showing). Knot well inside.