It's very important to check a Fabric Calculator before cutting your Cross Stitch Fabric for the design you have chosen. It will save the fabric you have chosen by not cutting it too small before you begin. It will also save many hours of stitching, only to realize that it cannot be finished. To begin, click on the Fabric Calculator link below. Then, locate the Design Size on the chart you plan to stitch. You should already have an idea of what size of fabric that you prefer to stitch on. If you are a beginner, 14 ct. Aida is a good choice to try, with 2 strands of thread per stitch (1 for Backstitching). Because each count of fabric will give you a different finished size, you will need to estimate the size of margin around your project you will leave for finishing, and enter that into the Fabric Calculator, along with the design size and the fabric count. Remember to add the margin to each side. (Margins should be at least 1 1/2" for ornaments and flat folds, and 4-6 inches for framing). When cutting, after measuring the size, carefully follow the line of a thread in the fabric. The edges of the fabric may be machine stitched with a zigzag hem so as to prevent unraveling while working. Small leftover pieces of fabric can be used for ornaments, bookmarks, etc. Keep these clean in a ziploc bag. We use and recommend the Fabric Calculator at Yarn Tree.